Private Label Manufacturers Association.

The Private Label Manufacturer’s Association (PLMA) in the United States categorizes private-label manufacturers into four categories:

  1. Large national brand manufacturers that utilize their expertise and excess plant capacity to supply store brands.
  2. Small, quality manufacturers who specialize in particular product lines and concentrate on producing store brands almost exclusively. Often these companies are owned by corporations that also produce national brands.
  3. Major Retail  and Wholesalers that own their own manufacturing facilities and provide store-brand products for themselves.
  4. Regional brand manufacturers that produce private-label products for specific markets.

5. To obtain import licenses for foreign countries, we have a right to obtain a deposit in the amount of $20,000. a) if order is more than $100,000, the $20,000 deposit shall be credited towards to current or future orders. (products only, fee non refundable).
6. To obtain a license for a domestic company, we have a right to obtain a deposit in the amount of $10,000.

b) if order is more than $50,000, the $10,000 deposit shall be credited towards to a current of future orders (products only, fee non refundable).
Deposit will be forfeited, if the order is not placed within one year.